
You are asked to act as reviewer of the article by Adamic and Glance (2005). In your review, you should act as if the paper has not yet been published. Your reviews should outline:

  1. A very brief (200) word summary of the contribution: what question is asks; what data it uses; what it finds.
  2. Review and criticisms of the data used: is the data appropriate for answering the main research question?; what problems might it have?
  3. Review and criticisms of the method used: does the method capture and measure what the authors claim to capture?
  4. Recommendations for changes: what could the author have done differently?; what other methods might they have used?; what other data might they have used?

In a second part, you should consult the data files that I have included in my Github here as an R readable .rds file. These data list source webpages and linked webpages from the political blogs data in the article by Adamic and Glance (2005). You should:

  1. Create a table showing the top 20 sourcepage domains by frequency of appearance in these data
  2. Create a bar graph showing the top 10 linkedpage domains by number of appearance in these data

Preferably, write up your responses in R Markdown and output to a word document for submission. Include the code you used to reproduce the figures.